Buy Prohormones Online

Prohormones (PHs for short) are substances which have no or hardly any direct effect on the organism. They are “merely” precursors of hormones. That is, they provide the basic skeleton needed for the formation of active hormones by specific enzymes.

Prohormones build up enormous muscle mass in no time and stimulate fat burning. Prohormones can also affect the emotional state (through the hormone balance) and make the training sessions more aggressive, self-confident and harder. High-dose and highly effective prohormones require a professional discontinuation after the cycle. Here should be used on our PCT products.

Benefits of Prohormones:

  • Prohormones are great for building muscle!
  • Prohormones have a strong anabolic and androgenic effect
  • Prohormones supports you in the destruction of cortisol!
  • Prohormones for extremely fast muscle growth!
  • Prohormones suppress water retention in muscle tissue!
  • Buy Prohormones for more muscle in less time!
  • Buy Prohormones boosts testosterone levels!
  • Acceleration of regeneration by prohormones
  • Prohormones boosts libido!
  • A more effective workout with hardcore prohormones
  • Prohormones promote fat burning tremendously!

Hormones & Prohormones Effect:

Prohormones usually have an ANABOLIC and ANTI-CATABOLIC effect.

  • ANABOLIC – enormously promotes the muscle building and the tissue structure of the musculature.
  • ANTI-CATABOLIC – Counteracts muscle breakdown and promotes the maintenance of built-up muscle mass.

Prohormones effects on body:

Despite a relative lack of information on their effects, supplementation with prohormones has become a popular practice. Unlike synthetic anabolic androgenic steroids, many of these free prescription prohormones are used in bodybuilding and fitness.

Known studies have reported that the enzymatic conversion of these prohormones to testosterone or nortestosterone (by taking androstenedione / androstenediol or 19-nor-androstenedione / androstenediol) can lead to anabolic and / or ergogenic effects.

Prohormones intake:

Existing data suggest that acute oral administration of androstenedione or androstenediol greatly increases serum testosterone levels in men.

At higher doses, oral supplementation with androstenedione or androstenediol for up to 12 weeks has a major impact on body composition and increases exercise capacity. Prohormones lower the cholesterol of the lipoprotein with high density.

When you buy and ingest Norandrostenedione and Norandrostenediol for up to eight weeks, Prohormone massively increases muscle growth and physical performance.

Buy Prohormones – Which are the most popular:

  • Androstenedione (4-Androsten-3, 17-dione)
  • 19-norandrostenedione (19-nor-4-androstene-3,17-dione)
  • 1-AD (1-androstenene-3beta, 17beta-diol)
  • 5-AD or 5-diol (5-androstene-3,17-diol)
  • 4-AD or 4-diol (4-androstene-3,17-diol)
  • DHEA (dehydro-epi-androsterone)
  • Nor-diol (19-nor-4-androstene-3,17-diol)
  • Nor-5-diol (19-nor-5-androstene-3,17-diol)
  • 5-AA (5-alpha-Androstanediol)
  • 1,4-andro (1,4-androstadienedione)

Prohormones side effects:

Androgens are the male sex hormones. The most important among them are dihydrotestosterone and testosterone. There are also androgens in the body in women, but in significantly lower concentrations. They are important for the development of male sexual characteristics, but fulfill many other functions.

The androgens are known especially for the formation of a typical male body hair on the trunk and the loss of hair. They also affect the sebaceous glands of the skin and facial hair. Correspondingly, sufferers suffer from acne or alopecia (hair loss) at too high androgen levels. In women with androgen excess, increased facial and body hair (hirsutism) is often noticeable.

What effect do androgens on body?

Androgens have many different effects in the body cells. In the male, they provide for the maturation of the sexual organs and promote the development of new sperm. In addition, androgens stimulate libido in both men and women, thus enhancing sexual desire.

They also provide as male sex hormones for the typical male body hair. The hair pattern is also referred to as a secondary sexual feature. In addition, they promote hair growth on the chest and beard growth on the face. In contrast, androgens cause hair loss on the head over the long term, especially around the forehead and temples. They are also involved in building bones and muscles. Men therefore have a different bone structure and especially in puberty extreme growth spurts. In addition, they have a much higher percentage of muscle mass and, in proportion, less fat mass than women. This is sensible from an evolutionary biological point of view and is of great importance for reproduction.

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