For legal reasons, we are currently not offering any products for sale. We will reorganize our complete range and we will NOT offer any more SARMs.

Search Results for: Core Labs

Core Labs M1T

Core Labs M1T

M1T (Methyl-1-Testosterone) is a chemically produced “prohormone” typically used as a muscle building steroid.

Has a rapid effect and is preferably used by boxers, power athletes and wrestlers.

Ideal for a hard diet, works appetite-heating and strength-increasing at the same time!

Contents: 60 servings / 10 mg M1T / 60 capsules

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Core Labs DMZ 10 mg

Core Labs DMZ 10 mg

Stronger than testosterone – DMZ gets you in shape in no time: More strength, steely muscles, fast muscle growth.

Content: 90 servings / 90 Capsules

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Core Labs Hyper Power

Core Labs Hyper Power

Three powerful stimulants (DMAA, DMBA and DMHA) plus active ingredients to boost your strength – this booster will blow your mind!

Content: 50 servings / 388 g

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With premium ingredients, Angel Dust PUMP not only enhances muscle pump but also the intensity of every workout session. Experience the distinct difference and get started immediately!

Content: 385 g / 100 mg DMAA + 100 mg DMHA / 22 servings

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Gym Labs

GYMLABS Nutrition

The European manufacturer of sports nutrition and nutritional supplements offers so many high quality products that there is something for every need. Convince yourself and find out more about the company.

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Blackstone Labs

Blackstone Labs

The European manufacturer of sports nutrition and nutritional supplements offers so many high quality products that there is something for every need. Convince yourself and find out more about the company.

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Dark Labs CRACK Reloaded

Dark Labs CRACK Reloaded

This pre-workout booster manages to provide you with energy for hours and after the workout you have no crash. What more could you ask for?

Perfect for days when you are tired and need motivation.

Content: 366g / Tunnel vision / Extreme pump / 20-40 servings

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Dark Labs Crack GOLD Edition

Dark Labs Crack GOLD Edition

Hardcore booster for maximum focus and extreme increase in performance. Will push you physically and mentally past your limits.

Contains Caffeine, DMHA and DMAA.

Contents: 1 scoop (12,5 g) / 25 servings / 312 g

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Blackstone Labs AbNORmaL

Blackstone Labs AbNORmaL

Anabolic supplement for men and women that supports muscle growth, improves connective tissue and increases strength.

Contents: 60 servings / 60 tablets / 19-Nor DHEA Blend 50 mg

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